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Detailed Specs: Suya

Scientific Name:  Pouteria speciosa
Family:  Sapotaccae
Other Names:  Pajura (Brazil), Chuya, Durban Pine, Por (Guyana), Bois macaye (French Guiana), Kromati kopi (Suriname)

The Tree

The tree is 0.35-0.92 meters in diameter with boles 21-21m with the tree being 25-35 meters high. The log is cylindrical with little taper and base slightly swollen.

The Wood

General Characteristics: The sapwood isn’t highly distinctive from the heartwood. It is light brown with an occasional pale purple flush.  It has a straight grain with a fine texture.

Weight: Basic Specific Gravity 0.58-0.59; air- dry density 12% – 710kg/m3

Drying and Shrinkage: Shrinkage green to oven dry: radial 5.5-6.4%; tangential 11.0%; volumetric 16.5%.

Working Properties: Works readily with hand and machine tools with minimum dulling effect; reported to glue readily and polishes fairly well.

Durability: According to graveyard and pure culture tests determa’s heartwood is rated durable. It is resistant to attack by white -rot and dry-wood termites. It is also very resistant to moisture and has excellent weathering characteristics. The wood equals Honduras Mahogany in its resistance to termites and marine borers.

Distribution: The Guianas, Trinidad and the lower Amazon region. Occasional to frequent on Sandy or loamy soils in Guyana.

Preservation: The heartwood is not treatable.

Uses: This is generally a utility timber used for both interior and exterior qualities. Used for furniture, boat planking, tanks an d cooperage, joinery, heavy marine construction, turnery, parquet flooring, veneer and plywood.


–       Chundnoff, Martin (1984), “Tropical Timbers of the World.” USDA Forest Service Ag. Handbook No.607.

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