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Detailed Specs: Shibadan

Scientific Name:  Aspidosperma album
Family:  Apocynaceae
Other Names:  Araracanga, Maparana (Brazil), Bois macaye, (French Guinana), Kromanti kopi (Surimane), Red Peroda Peroda Rosa.

The Tree

The bole is 18-21m in length and the height of the tree ranges from 25-40 meters. Its diameter ranges from 0.5-0.8 meters. The shape of the log is cylindrical or slightly flattened, the base is un-buttressed.

The Wood

General Characteristics: The wood colour is tan to rose tan and is often streaked with purple or brown which becomes brownish- yellow to medium brown upon exposure. The sapwood is yellowish making it paler than the heartwood but not sharply demarcated. The grain is straight to irregular and the texture is fine and uniform.

Weight: Basic specific gravity (oven dry weight/green volume) 0.75; air dry density at 12%; 0.95.

Mechanical Properties: A hard, strong timber with bending of medium strength and crushing strength high. The air dry density (12%) – 910 kg/m3, bending strength (at 12%) – 176 N/mm2, modules of elasticity (at 12%) – 19560 N/mm2 and Crushing strength (at 12%) – 93N/mm2.

Timber Processing:

  • Drying:  Dries without difficulty. Kiln Schedule E.

  • Working:  Easy to work and finishes well

  • Assembling:  Gluing is easy but difficult to nail.

  • Finishing:  Takes staining and polishing at a satisfactory level.

Durability: The heartwood is durable and highly resistant to preservative treatment and the sapwood is permeable. Resistance t o decay is ranges from moderate to very good but resistant to termite is poor to moderate with a good resistance to insects on dry wood.

Distribution: It is abundant in the Guianas and are available in regular supplies.

Preservation: is poor to moderate.

Uses: This is a good general, all-purpose wood suited for construction work which requires strength and durability. It can also be used for exterior joinery, panelling, turnery and furniture manufacture.


–       Chundnoff, Martin (1984), “Tropical Timbers of the World.” USDA Forest Service Ag. Handbook No.607.

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