Detailed Specs: Basralocus
Scientific Name: Dicorynia guianensis
Family: Leguminosae
Other Names: Basralokus, Barakaroeballi (Suriname), Angelique batard, Angelique gris (French Guiana), Wamaradan, Wamaradang (Guyana)
The Tree:
Well-formed tree grows to a height of 150 feet and diameters to 5 feet but more commonly to 3 feet. Boles are clear for 60 to 80 feet over heavy buttresses.
The Wood
General Characteristics: Heartwood is reddish brown, grey to reddish or yellowish brown sharply demarcated from narrow brownish-white sapwood. Texture is medium with an unusual subsurface luster; grain is usually straight, sometimes somewhat interlocked; no distinctive odour or taste. Vessels are prominent as long brown lines on the side grain producing an attractive figure. Silica content has been reported as 0.21-1.70% and as high as 2.92%.
Weight: Basic specific gravity (oven dry weight/ green volume) 0.65; air-dry density 50 pcf.
Drying and Shrinkage: Moderately difficult to season, dries rapidly but with a tendency to moderate checking and slight warping. A kiln schedule similar to T2-B2 has been suggested. Shrinkage green to oven dry: radial 4.6%; tangential 8.2%; volumetric 14.0%. It has been reported to hold well in place after manufacture. The heartwood is resistant to moisture absorption.
Working Properties: This varies according to density and silica content but generally works well and finishes smoothly. Specially tipped cutters are suggested particularly for dried wood, however, it glues well.
Janka side hardness 1,100 lb, for green material and 1,290 lb at 12% moisture content. Forest Products Laboratory toughness average for green and air dry material is 151 in-lb. (5/8-in specimen).
Durability: Heartwood is resistant to very resistant to attack by decay fungi but is somewhat susceptible to dry -wood termites. The wood is resistant to attack by marine borers.
Distribution: Abundant in eastern Suriname and western French Guiana where it may make up 10% of the forest stands. Best grown on deep, loamy, well drained soils of lowland plains but also found in wet areas.
Uses: Marine construction and generally heavy construction, railroad crossties, industrial flooring, ship decking, planking and framing, piling, parquet blocks and strips.
– Chundnoff, Martin (1984), “Tropical Timbers of the World.” USDA Forest Service Ag. Handbook No.607.