Detailed Specs: Tali
Botanical name: Erythrophleum ivorense / Erythrophleum suaveolens
ATIBT name: Tali
Quality requirements
Tali is listed in the Dutch norm NEN 5493 ‘Quality Requirements For Hardwoods In Road Construction Works, Hydraulic Engineering Works And Other Structural Applications.
Strength class
Tali (growing regions: Ghana and Cameroon) quality class Category 3/Tropical/NEN 5493 is classed in strength class D40 (NEN-EN 338)
Heavy constructions outdoors, such as waterworks and bridges.
For floors, parquet, thresholds, hubs, axle-guards and blocks, turned goods and furthermore, the same uses as Azobé
Resistance to fungi: class 1 (very durable)
Resistance to insects: Termites class D (sapwood and heartwood very durable), Marine borers class M (moderately durable)
(800)-900-(1100) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content
Fresh 1000-1200 kg/m3
— Source: Houtvademecum © 2010 Centrum Hout Almere, 10e herziene druk