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Detailed Specs: Silverballi

Scientific Name:  Aniba spp. (Yellow)
Family:  Lauraceae
Other Names:  Comino real (Columbia), Moena amarilla (Peru), Coto (Bolivia), Louro rosa, Pau rosa (Rosa)

The Tree

Grows to heights of 100 feet with diameters up to 30 inches; clear bole lengths of 55-75 feet are obtained.

The Wood

General Characteristics: Typically yellowish in colour with a greenish hue when fresh, becoming brown or olive upon exposure. The sapwood is narrow and light yellowish. Luster medium to high; grain is straight to interlock; texture fine to medium. Wood ha s a spicy odour and taste may or may not be distinctive.

Weight: Woods range from rather light to moderately heavy. Basic specific gravity (oven dry weight/green volume) between 0.55 -0.65; air- dry density 40-5 pcf.

Drying and Shrinkage: Moderately difficult to air season, dries at a moderate rate with slight warping and checking. No kiln schedules available.

Shrinkage green to oven dry: radial 4.7%; tangential 7.0%; volumetric 12.1%.

Working Properties: Easy to work with hand and machine tools and dresses to a smooth surface to give a satiny sheen.

Janka side hardness 1160 lb. green and 1470 lb. dry. Forest Products Laboratory toughness 176 in-lb, average green material and air dry material. (5/8-in specimen).

Durability: Timber has an excellent reputation for resistance to decay. Laboratory tests indicate that the heartwood is very durable to both white and brown rot fungi.

Distribution: Found throughout the Guianas and the Amazon region but also in the Pacific coastal areas of Columbia.

Preservation: Heartwood is known to be highly resistant to moisture absorption.

Uses: “Hard Silverballi” is used for general carpentry and boat building (planking), suitable for both interior and exterior work in house construction, furniture and cabinet work, veneer and plywood. “Soft” Silverballi is used in general carpentry, interior work, and light weight furniture and suitable for utility plywood.


–       Chundnoff, Martin (1984), “Tropical Timbers of the World.” USDA Forest Service Ag. Handbook No.607.

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